Igal Raichelgauz, CEO and Founder of Autobrains, is an award-winning tech-savvy executive in the domain of AI innovations combining several disciplines including neuroscience, biology, and physics. Leveraging his AI experience he co-founded Cortica in 2007, a multi-industry AI firm with a proven record in security mission-critical markets. In 2019, he founded Autobrains focusing on disruptive AI technology backed by 250+ patents addressing autonomous driving challenges.
The Pop in Your Job – What drives you? Why do you love your job?
Driven by a passion for neuroscience and AI's potential, I find fulfilment in pushing the boundaries of automotive innovation. Collaborating with diverse experts, we aim to pave the way for safer roads and redefine the future of mobility.
Solution Study
Monday, December 09
09:15 am - 09:45 am
Live in Dearborn, Michigan
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Today’s AI solutions in the automotive industry are neither scalable, reliable, nor financially viable. Igal Raichelgauz will delve into the future of AI in the automotive industry, highlighting the potential of Liquid AI. It will shed light on the limitations of current AI approaches and reveal the key elements necessary to overcome obstacles in scalability, reliability, and affordability.